We have been offering our customers functional design, high-quality products and reliable service for over 30 years.
years on the market
45 to
countries worldwide
we sell our furniture
85% about
of sales are exported
Our team of designers and product development experts never cease to explore changing consumer needs and search for new solutions, unusual décors and functionalities. Ideas are born in their heads, which they translate into designs and then into finished collections – always with care and respect for the environment, taking into account the highest quality and ethical standards.
Our furniture is built in Poland, in 3 modern manufacturing plants located in Ostrów Mazowiecka, Suwałki and Hajnówka.
We constantly keep up with changing technology, make sure that the machinery parks in individual factories are constantly modernised and invest in digitisation and automation of processes.
We own:
In 2018, we opened our own TANNE particle board factory in the Suwałki Special Economic Zone.
Our chipboard factory is one of the most modern investments in recent years in the furniture industry throughout Europe in terms of environmental standards.
We take care of the product at every stage of its creation, from the inspection of materials for production, through design in accordance with the requirements of European safety standards and daily monitoring of quality, to the delivery to the customer.
Maintaining high quality standards and ensuring the safe use of the manufactured furniture is our priority.
We have a modern logistics centre with a high-storage warehouse at the factory in Ostrów Mazowiecka.
This is part of what makes us a flexible supplier, with efficient service and fast turnaround on large orders.
At the particle board factory, we have our own laboratory, where we test and examine our products to ensure they meet the highest standards.
In January 2022, the laboratory was accredited by the Polish Centre for Accreditation to test formaldehyde emissions using the PN EN 717-1:2006 method. This is a formal, state confirmation of the high quality of services and competences of our team, which additionally gives us the possibility of conducting accredited tests on wood-based products outside the FORTE Group too. We are the first company in the wood-based manufacturing industry to obtain this type of accreditation.
In our most important markets, such as Germany, the UK, France and Spain, we have our own trade organisations, so we can offer local support to the stores that work with us. We serve customers in their native languages, which makes communication much easier and helps build better relationships.
We built an exhibition hall in the German town of Bad Salzuflen with more than 4,000 m2 of exhibition space, and every year during major trade fairs, we meet with our partners there to present our new range of products and discuss possible further cooperation.
Mieczysław Formanowicz spent all of his professional life in the furniture industry. For more than 40 years, he developed and modernised furniture factories throughout Poland. He shared his knowledge by organising training courses for several generations of furniture sector workers and by publishing books and articles on furniture. He passed on his passion for creating furniture to his son, Maciej, the founder of FORTE, and his granddaughter, Maria, who has been co-creating the company for several years.
All my ancestors, from Antoni to Mieczyslaw, eight generations, were entrepreneurs for their time.
One was a shoemaker, the other a stove-maker, wheelwright, cartwright and a grain entrepreneur. They hired master craftsmen, journeymen and apprentices. It is, therefore, hardly surprising that not only me, but now also my daughter, has joined this chain of family traditions.
Maciej Formanowicz
We are a family company with the prospect of running the business from generation to generation. This gives us strength and distinguishes us from other businesses. Multi-generationalism, which has many advantages at work, just as it does in the family, is evident not only in the company’s management.