Shareholders and dividends


The Company’s share capital accounts for PLN 23.930.769 and is divided into 23.930.769 ordinary bearer shares of a nominal value PLN 1 each. The list of Shareholders of FABRYKI MEBLI “FORTE” S.A. owing more than 5% shares of nominal capital, according to received certificates from the mentioned enterprises.

Number of shares held (units) Share in capital stock (in %)
MaForm Holding AG 10 344 185 0
Allianz Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny 3 454 230 0
Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny PZU “Złota Jesień” 2 757 409 0
Nationale Nederlanden Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny 1 809 000 0
Other shareholders 5 565 945 0
Total 100%


Year Financial result [PLN] Dividend % of Profit Dividend per share Day of determining entitlement to the dividend Dividend payment day
2023/2024****** -53 400 824,93
2022/2023***** -104 837 399
2021 90 382 635 47 861 538 52,95% 2,00 12.09.2022 22.09.2022
2020 33 324 052 95 723 076 -**** 4,00 23.06.2021 05.07.2021
2019*** – 3 135 124
2018** – 2 534 311
2017* 54 405 170
2016 97 195 074 4 780 217 4,91% 0,20 25.05.2017 09.06.2017
2015 77 936 224 23 901 084 30,67% 1,00 25.05.2016 13.06.2016
2014 74 612 393 47 502 168 63,67% 2,00 27.05.2015 11.06.2015
2013 56 537 973 35 626 626 63,01% 1,50 25.06.2014 09.07.2014
2012 31 872 512 22 563 530 70,79% 0,95 18.06.2013 02.07.2013
2011 21 758 211 17 813 313 81,87% 0,75 19.07.2012 03.08.2012
2010 34 324 860 17 813 313 51,90% 0,75 19.07.2011 03.08.2011
2009 42 170 211 23 751 084 56,32% 1,00 19.07.2010 03.08.2010

* in accordance with the resolution of the Annual General Meeting, the entire profit was allocated to the reserve capital

** in accordance with the resolution of the Annual General Meeting, the loss was covered from supplementary capital

*** in accordance with the resolution of the Annual General Meeting, the loss was covered from supplementary capital

**** according to the resolution of the Annual General Meeting, both the net profit for the financial year 2020 and part of the reserves created from the net profit of the Company (in the amount of PLN 62,399,024) were allocated to the payment of dividends

***** in accordance with the resolution of the Annual General Meeting, the loss was covered from supplementary capital

****** in accordance with the resolution of the Annual General Meeting, the loss was covered from supplementary capital